Just as we are committed to continuously learning and growing, to increasing our knowledge and abilities so that we can best serve the people for whom we have been invited to help, we believe we have an obligation to increasing the skills and knowledge of other professionals in the helping fields to reach their full potential and achieve professional satisfaction.
We offer many educational and consulting options for schools, child welfare agencies, spiritual communities, and community organizations. We tailor our workshops for the needs of each organization’s participants and our workshops range from one hour to a full day. We have consistently received the highest ratings available in the evaluations of prior educational programs.
Our psychotherapists have presented over 50 workshops and consultations for a wide variety of conferences and organizations including the Chicago area Fusion Academies, the Illinois Association of School Social Workers, the Cook County Juvenile Court Judges; Cook County Public Guardians; Kane County CASA workers; the Rockford, Illinois Early Childhood School District; psychotherapists and parents at child welfare agencies; the Linzi Counseling Center in Shanghai, China, and many others.
Teaching children with attachment difficulties can be exacerbating. Moment to moment these young people can be charming, manipulative, engaging, and destructive. In other words, they can be extremely difficult to teach. Using Teaching in SPACE™ as a foundation for learning, we work with teachers and administrators to create engaging and informative trauma-Informed workshops, to assist schools in developing a trauma-informed educational culture, and to support teachers who are providing trauma-informed classroom instructions.
Among the workshops we have provided to educators include: “Connecting the Disconnected: Teaching Trauma-Exposed Children in the Classroom,” and “Techniques for Teaching Children & Youth in Foster Care.”
In our seminar series, therapySPACE™, we draw upon our extensive training and experience to help clinicians understand how trauma impacts the brains and bodies of traumatized youth, the impact of trauma on a child’s brain and body, the child’s neurological responses to trauma, and the basic developmental stages that are often missed when trauma is present. This seminar also addresses the diagnosis of attachment-related problems by introducing participants to the attachment cycle and the difficulties that arise from absent, blocked, or insecure attachment. We present and demonstrate the foundations of treatment while detailing the core elements of therapySPACE™ which offers clinicians a number of proven, integrated therapeutic avenues and techniques for treating children and youth who experienced trauma in early childhood.
The seminar series also offers clinicians approaches to helping the parents of trauma- and attachment-disordered children. It focuses on providing clinicians with safe, engaging, non-shaming interventions that will enlist them as therapeutic partners and teach them the basics of “therapeutic parenting,” a way of being with their children and changing their behavior.
We also offer individual and group clinical consultations.
TreeHouse Health has long been committed to treating and caring for some of the most vulnerable kids - foster children - and the foster families who care for them. From in-home psychotherapy treatment options to foster parent education to clinical consultation of the child welfare workers who guide the care of young people living outside their homes, we have and will continue to invest our energies to bring healing to the child welfare community.